It makes me a little sad to see everyone putting their Christmas decorations away on Facebook. I am one of those hold outs that actually keeps it up as long as I can (usually until my birthday in early January). It does feel good to actually get it put away and have a (somewhat) orderly house. But....I still plan to wait! We actually are still in the midst of Christmas celebrations. We plan to head out to Pecos for Dominguez Christmas this weekend.
We've had a fun few weeks. And we are really enjoying the time David and Benjamin have off of school. Actually, Benjamin stretched his vacay out a little longer by missing the last two days of school (including his Winter Party Day, boo!) because of strep throat. It seems like every time David goes out of town, I end up with a puker. I can't tell you how relieved I was that it was strep instead of a tummy bug (is it weird that I am relieved by that?). But, hey, a shot of antibiotics and he was better in 12 hours. My kids are so rarely on antibiotics (I can't even remember the last time I had to refrigerate a nasty bottle of pink medicine) that I don't worry too much about the whole antibiotics affecting their immune system too much. We escaped the whole ordeal with only Benjamin & I getting sick (knockin' on wood, people).
We kicked off the holiday season one of the first weekends in December with Benjamin inviting some of his classmates over for breakfast (in your jammies) and a movie. It was a fun time. We even got to know a couple of the parents from his class better.
Kindergarteners' feast!
These were a couple of the friends that came over for the fun! Kaden & Abbigail. We spread out quilts and pillows to watch the Polar Express. Although, most of the kiddos ended up playing with the train table in Benjamin's room! Oh well. They still had fun!
Every year, a local church puts on a live walk-through Bethlehem/Nativity. It was AMAZING! Not only are there dozens of interactive characters and buildings to explore, they also cook for you as you walk through and let you sample food of the period. They make you pay your taxes (a donation of canned food) but then offer you cocoa & cookies afterward! The boys really enjoyed it and so did we. David's been wanting to go for a couple of years and I am so glad we made it this year. It truly was a special night. The photo above is the boys in the synagogue they have set up...listening to the rabbi read from the scroll.
We had Pawlik Christmas on the 19th. My dad is still recovering from surgery, but I think he really enjoyed everyone being around for the day!
It's so rare that everyone's all together that it was a definite photo op.
Aaron, Andrea, Kayla, Amber, Keaton, Amanda, Jonathan & Benjamin

Amanda took a cookie decorating class and brought us the results. She has convinced me to take one with her in the next month or so. I need to learn to do this. Need.
We're a bit silly when we get together.

Aaron and his youngest, Annika. This baby has the most beautiful eyes. Ever.

Aaron and his youngest, Annika. This baby has the most beautiful eyes. Ever.
Iron Man even made his appearance. And continues to make a daily appearance at our house. This is probably Jonathan's favorite gift of the year.

It was the year of Legos for Benjamin. He and David have been busy building like crazy all through the break.

Hard to believe we only have two teenagers in the bunch right now!

It was the year of Legos for Benjamin. He and David have been busy building like crazy all through the break.

Hard to believe we only have two teenagers in the bunch right now!
Kayla & Keaton

And being a teenager comes with fun stuff like a new car! Kayla drove her new wheels out here to show everyone! Can you say adorable? She's one cute kid. And now has a cute Jetta to scoot around in.
During our time at home, Jonathan and I did some baking. Benjamin was so involved in building the new Lego city that baking wasn't so much a priority to him this year (sniff, sniff). But, Jonathan was a firecracker in the kitchen. We made red Rice Krispy treats (covered in Christmas sprinkles), Ice Box Cinnamon Chippers, our traditional Red & Green Pinwheels and some crazy banana bread.
We actually baked later than usual and missed all of our neighbors that we usually give cookie plates to. So, we gave them to neighbors we had never met before...a new family that just moved in from El Paso and a contractor who has been working in Iraq for the last three years. We did manage to track our next door neighbor down Christmas eve and give him & his Holiday guests his yearly plate. I actually loved the idea of giving to people we don't know. Always easy to meet someone over a plate of goodies.

David and I also had a treat on the 22nd. We went to Austin to see the Ellison Emeralds open for the Rockettes at Bass Concert Hall. We got a hotel for the night, ordered room service and slept in until ten the next morning. Lazy! And fun!
It was such a fun evening to get dressed up and go see a wonderful show at Bass Concert Hall. It brought back so many memories of going to Bass Concert Hall when I was a little girl, all dressed up to see the Nutcracker with my mom. I only wished I hadn't still been recovering from strep when we were there...we originally had plans to go to Fogo de Chao with some special friends. Wasn't quite sure my tummy could handle Fogo yet. Bummer.

Santa came Christmas morning and brought all kinds of goodies...Jonathan got his requested "froggies" and Buzz Lightyear. Benjamin got a Wii and more....Legos.

My oldest brother takes my entire family to lunch in Austin on Christmas day. It's body has to cook (or clean up) and we get to sit down and visit over some wonderful food.
Isaac & Amanda
My neice, Andrea and my great-nephew, Austin. Austin was pretty smart this year with his Santa snacks. He left the Man with the Bag a Nutrigrain bar instead of cookies this year! Ha!

He ate the whole thing.

He ate the whole thing.

After lunch, we came home and got back in our jammies to have a wonderfully lazy day. Actually, the boys got new Buzz & Woodie jammies in their was a great excuse to try them on!
We did take a break yesterday to go and see Tangled at the theater...and head to Target to buy a new Wii game! (Benjamin's Target gift card from Uncle Mike & Aunt Cherie was burning a hole in his little pocket...he had to have the new Car's Mater's Tall Tales Wii Game!)
Whew. 31 photos. I'm sure I'll have many more after Dominguez Christmas.
Happy Holidays to all of you!

I would say it's been one of the best Christmases ever! And we're not even done! Thanks for posting all these pics. LLLY
Great Blog and more to come.
Wow it sounds like you have been busy!! We had a weekend away down in Austin too. We wanted to see the Rocketts, but they were sold out when we tried to get tickets :( I'm glad that you have had such a great holiday break!!
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