Here are a few photos from the lunch we had here for my dad on his birthday. All three of my brothers were able to come and five of the grandchildren were able to make it. We had a good time just spending time together and sharing old stories.
This was my dad's first official birthday party. We've always taken him out to eat or done something small. But, this is the first she-bang he has ever had with "all the trimmings." He doesn't like to have a fuss made over him and always insists on us "not doing anything at all." That's just his way.
My dad grew up in a small Polish community and didn't speak English the first several years of his life. When they had moved to San Antonio, a neighbor boy invited my dad to his birthday party and my dad did not have a clue what that was nor did he still speak much English at that point. They didn't have birthday parties where he was from and that was an entirely new concept to him. He loves to tell that story. He always adds that the kid probably invited him out of pity since he was the new kid.
Now, 70+ years later, he has had his first official birthday party of his own!
Love you, Dad! Hope you enjoyed your day.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Happy Birthday, Grandpa!
I just wanted to take a quick minute and wish my dear ol' dad a very happy birthday! We love and appreciate you more than words can say!
I'll try to post pics from the party tomorrow!
I'll try to post pics from the party tomorrow!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas Day in Abilene
This year we had "Dominguez Christmas" at Sam & Arly's in Abilene. We had a great time catching up with everyone, watching old Looney Toons, playing the Wii (apparently we are the last people in civilization without one of these game thingies), and having some great food.
Nyla and Arly fixed a Dominguez fave, "Ham & Potatoes in the CrockPot." We also had lots of dips and baked goodies and some to die for meatballs that Syndi brought! Yum.
The kiddos had a fun time with all of their presents. One of my favorite scenes was Ema, Eli and Benjamin "racing" the Dinoco Helicopter, Dinoco McQueen and Lightening McQueen across the kitchen floor with Elena's new "Little People" farm animals balanced very carefully on all of the vehicles. No one fell off!
The adults participated in what we have called "gift card palooza" where Nyla ended up with a Lowe's gift card and Fred scored the Bath & Body Works one. Too funny.
We met up for lunch on the 26th with everyone and then headed back to K-town where we promptly collapsed.
Nyla and Arly fixed a Dominguez fave, "Ham & Potatoes in the CrockPot." We also had lots of dips and baked goodies and some to die for meatballs that Syndi brought! Yum.
The kiddos had a fun time with all of their presents. One of my favorite scenes was Ema, Eli and Benjamin "racing" the Dinoco Helicopter, Dinoco McQueen and Lightening McQueen across the kitchen floor with Elena's new "Little People" farm animals balanced very carefully on all of the vehicles. No one fell off!
The adults participated in what we have called "gift card palooza" where Nyla ended up with a Lowe's gift card and Fred scored the Bath & Body Works one. Too funny.
We met up for lunch on the 26th with everyone and then headed back to K-town where we promptly collapsed.
Christmas Home!
This is the first Christmas we have ever spent Christmas Eve and morning at our own home. We really did enjoy this.
Christmas Eve we cooked a brisket and just enjoyed the day! We opened gifts that night (yes, I know, we do it that way!). After the boys had sugar plums dancing in their heads, David & I started in on a few hours of "some assembly required" while watching It's a Wonderful Life.
The next morning, Benjamin was more enamored with the fact that "Santa ate my cookies" and the reindeer ate the apple than he was with the train table St. Nick left behind.
We had a great morning together and then headed to Abilene to mmet up with David's family.
Christmas Eve we cooked a brisket and just enjoyed the day! We opened gifts that night (yes, I know, we do it that way!). After the boys had sugar plums dancing in their heads, David & I started in on a few hours of "some assembly required" while watching It's a Wonderful Life.
The next morning, Benjamin was more enamored with the fact that "Santa ate my cookies" and the reindeer ate the apple than he was with the train table St. Nick left behind.
We had a great morning together and then headed to Abilene to mmet up with David's family.
Holiday Recap: 12-23-07: Pawlik Christmas
Since my parents have moved to Marble Falls, we no longer do the traditional Christmas Eve party with them that we have done as long as I can remember. I miss those Christmas Eves a little bit. They were my favorite day of the year as I grew up. They are still just as fun, now to be celebrated "the Sunday before Christmas no matter what."
My mother prepares for this day starting the Friday after Thanksgiving. She hits the stores for that crazy 5 a.m. rush and begs me to join her every year, (um, no thank you, my bed is still calling me at that time). I can recall a post-Thanksgiving sale when I was eight years old and was dragged through Kmart at six a.m. to get the brand new Dirt Devil for a steal of a deal with the matching hand-held vac for a penny! I am still reeling from that experience.
Anywho. Mom makes what we all refer to as "her spread." It includes my nieces' favorite tamales, Spanish rice, beans and Mexican pasta salad. Then there is all of the "grazing items" which include sandwich fixings, lots of dips, chips, queso and all of the baked goodies.
When I was young we all swapped presents with everyone and it was a mad wrapping paper fiasco. These days we have limited the gift-giving to those under eighteen. Except of course, we all get gifts for my parents and vice versa.
It is funny to watch your family "age." This year, my niece Amber brought her fiance, Paul, to whom she recently got engaged. And of course, five years ago, I brought David to this for the first time. Our other niece, Andrea, now has an 18-month old (yes, I am a great Aunt). Kayla and Keaton are growing like weeds. And I always am amazed and in awe at what Amanda is up to in her career (she just bought her first house, way to go, girlie!). Our nephew Aaron lives in Florida with his family (again, I am a great Aunt),we just got their family card and it was precious!
I guess there is nothing we can do about it, I just still feel like I am "the baby" even though my kids are now the babies. I feel like breaking into a medley of "Obla-Di Obla-Da."
My mother prepares for this day starting the Friday after Thanksgiving. She hits the stores for that crazy 5 a.m. rush and begs me to join her every year, (um, no thank you, my bed is still calling me at that time). I can recall a post-Thanksgiving sale when I was eight years old and was dragged through Kmart at six a.m. to get the brand new Dirt Devil for a steal of a deal with the matching hand-held vac for a penny! I am still reeling from that experience.
Anywho. Mom makes what we all refer to as "her spread." It includes my nieces' favorite tamales, Spanish rice, beans and Mexican pasta salad. Then there is all of the "grazing items" which include sandwich fixings, lots of dips, chips, queso and all of the baked goodies.
When I was young we all swapped presents with everyone and it was a mad wrapping paper fiasco. These days we have limited the gift-giving to those under eighteen. Except of course, we all get gifts for my parents and vice versa.
It is funny to watch your family "age." This year, my niece Amber brought her fiance, Paul, to whom she recently got engaged. And of course, five years ago, I brought David to this for the first time. Our other niece, Andrea, now has an 18-month old (yes, I am a great Aunt). Kayla and Keaton are growing like weeds. And I always am amazed and in awe at what Amanda is up to in her career (she just bought her first house, way to go, girlie!). Our nephew Aaron lives in Florida with his family (again, I am a great Aunt),we just got their family card and it was precious!
I guess there is nothing we can do about it, I just still feel like I am "the baby" even though my kids are now the babies. I feel like breaking into a medley of "Obla-Di Obla-Da."
Saturday, December 22, 2007
See You After Christmas!
Tomorrow begins our family-visiting for Christmas. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday. Here's a few random photos from our festive month. Please take care.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Tag: Seven Random Things
This tag is circulating again! I tried to avoid it for fear that everyone would know what a loo-loo I can be, but it is time to face the facts.
Seven Random Things About Me:
1. I have many OCD tendencies (I take after my mother!). Most of these include compulsive list making, wiping down shopping carts with Clorox wipes that I carry with me in a baggie, and constantly using hand sanitizer (I am a little weird about my hand sanitizer too, I only buy a certain kind that has a super high alcohol percentage so I know it has to work!).
2. The silly uses of the letter K drive me crazy. This is my favorite letter after all! People constantly use it to misspell titles and what not (like, Kristin's Korner, Krazy Glue, Kozy Kafe-- umm hello, the alliteration would have still worked here with the correct letter, Cozy Cafe). I just feel like this is a little funny.
3. I am a huge Neil Diamond fan. Hands down, he was my favorite concert I ever attended. When I was young, I took dance lessons for years with a dance company that always used "America" as the open pageantry dance of their annual recital. I can still do this routine, and yes, I still own my baton. Did you all know that he once performed in concert at ACU? If only I had attended college in the seventies....or not!
4. I sport my very own natural hair color. I haven't colored my hair since 2003 and don't plan to until I start seeing the dreaded gray.
5. If you just recently met me (within the last five years), you'll find this hard to believe. But, one of my first cars was a Z28 Camaro that I still miss to this day. I even had a custom exhaust system installed in this car because I loved how it sounded. It also scored me a few speeding tickets. (What were my parents thinking?)
6. I go through at least four curling/flat irons a year. I am very hard on hair appliances.
7. After graduating ACU, I was offered a job in New York City with an event planning company that I thought pretty hard about taking. However, I was a nervous wreck about moving that far on my own so I took a job with the ACU Alumni Office. I remember the sense of relief that I felt actually saying out loud to my friends Amber and Betsey that I was staying in Abilene and working for them. They were pretty happy, too, and that made it even better. Wow, imagine how different my life would have been if I had taken that offer! There's a scary thought.
Seven Random Things About Me:
1. I have many OCD tendencies (I take after my mother!). Most of these include compulsive list making, wiping down shopping carts with Clorox wipes that I carry with me in a baggie, and constantly using hand sanitizer (I am a little weird about my hand sanitizer too, I only buy a certain kind that has a super high alcohol percentage so I know it has to work!).
2. The silly uses of the letter K drive me crazy. This is my favorite letter after all! People constantly use it to misspell titles and what not (like, Kristin's Korner, Krazy Glue, Kozy Kafe-- umm hello, the alliteration would have still worked here with the correct letter, Cozy Cafe). I just feel like this is a little funny.
3. I am a huge Neil Diamond fan. Hands down, he was my favorite concert I ever attended. When I was young, I took dance lessons for years with a dance company that always used "America" as the open pageantry dance of their annual recital. I can still do this routine, and yes, I still own my baton. Did you all know that he once performed in concert at ACU? If only I had attended college in the seventies....or not!
4. I sport my very own natural hair color. I haven't colored my hair since 2003 and don't plan to until I start seeing the dreaded gray.
5. If you just recently met me (within the last five years), you'll find this hard to believe. But, one of my first cars was a Z28 Camaro that I still miss to this day. I even had a custom exhaust system installed in this car because I loved how it sounded. It also scored me a few speeding tickets. (What were my parents thinking?)
6. I go through at least four curling/flat irons a year. I am very hard on hair appliances.
7. After graduating ACU, I was offered a job in New York City with an event planning company that I thought pretty hard about taking. However, I was a nervous wreck about moving that far on my own so I took a job with the ACU Alumni Office. I remember the sense of relief that I felt actually saying out loud to my friends Amber and Betsey that I was staying in Abilene and working for them. They were pretty happy, too, and that made it even better. Wow, imagine how different my life would have been if I had taken that offer! There's a scary thought.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Some Lovin' from our Oven
Well, folks, I am officially done with the 2007 edition of Christmas cookies. It has been several days of non-stop oven-running, mixer-spinning, dough-nibbling, cookie-cutting, counter-cluttered maddness at the Dominguez household. But we are officially finished.
We even managed to throw in a clogged sink/disposal/dishwasher situtation on top of it all.
David and I wanted to put together some special goodies for the admin. team so I thought it would be fun to include it with our holiday baking. We fixed our favorites: Walnut-Frosties and Red & Green Pinwheels and even added a few new items that we'll have to repeat in years to come.
Benjamin also discovered the magic of the oven light. He was pretty vigilant over the batches as they baked up.
Although it was indeed quite a bit more baking than we usually do, we really had fun doing it!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
2007 Christmas Letter...Online!
Dear Friends and Family--
First of all, thank you for taking the time to visit our blog. This is our very own online "digital scrapbook" of memories that we love to share with you. Please check back often; we try to update several times a week. Feel free to leave comments as well-- we love hearing from you.
2007 has been a wild twelve months for the Dominguez family, with several life changing events happening to our little foursome.
We ended 2006 with heavy hearts of an impending surgery for Kristi's dad, Al. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer and surgery quickly followed in February. The surgery was a bit more than we all bargained for. Al's hospital stay was much lengthier than originally planned and surgery was also a little more complicated. We were sad that we were unable to join the family in Austin for this. Kristi was very pregnant and unable to travel at the time. Al is now cancer free and about to celebrate his 72nd birthday on the 29th. This indeed is a blessing to us all.
On February 21st we were so excited to welcome the newest member of our family, Jonathan Miles Dominguez. He weighed in at nine pounds, three ounces and was 22 3/4 inches long. He has brought so much joy to us. It has been so much fun to watch him grow and gain such a charming little personality. Benjamin is very much enjoying being a big brother, too!
Shortly after Jonathan was born, we made a big decision to leave our sweet little town of Muleshoe and relocate down to central Texas. David was offered a wonderful principalship at Rancier Middle School in Killeen. We bought a house on the edge of Killeen and are still getting settled into our "new life." The actual process of moving became a little rough when David had to have emergency gall bladder surgery in June. We ended up having lots of friends and family on both ends of the move to help us out! A big thank you again to all of you.
We do miss Muleshoe and all of the wonderful friendships we made there. Our Muleshoe church was so good to us and helped us pack up and gave us such a wonderful going away party. We have been blessed to already have several friends from "the greater Muleplex" come and visit us at our new home. We have already made one visit back and plan to visit again in the new year.
We have already settled into and feel very blessed by our new church home at the church of Christ in Belton, a short drive down the road from us. We have made some wonderful new friends there and even reconnected with a lot of ACU buddies as well. We are getting very involved in our "young marrieds" class and the boys both enjoy their classes and new friends as well.
Benjamin turned the big three in September and is well on his way to four! He really keeps us on our toes and is quite the talker. He is very fun to have a conversation with and knows some pretty big words for a little guy. He is very contemplative and sometimes a little shy in new situations. His major interests include helping mommy cook, playing with his Cars (the little characters from the Disney movie), playing in his sandbox and listening to his favorite songs. He loves singing at church and is starting to participate in the worship service as well.
In November, we traveled to Pecos to see David's family for Thanksgiving. It was nice that the whole family was able to be together. We really enjoyed catching up with everyone.
The day after Thanksgiving we celebrated our fifth anniversary! We were able to spend most of the day back in Buffalo Gap, where we were married. This has been an absolutely wonderful five years.
Living down in central Texas has also given us the opportunity to reconnect with Kristi's family on a regular basis. We plan to host all of the Pawliks to our home in a couple of weeks for Al's birthday.
David is settling into his new job very well. He loves Rancier, but still holds a fondness for WJHS in his heart. He has already started his involvement at church by teaching our class in the rotation and giving a talk at our class retreat in October. He has even led singing a couple of Sunday nights.
Kristi still enjoys being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM). She enjoys meeting up with other SAHMs from the church during the week for playgroups, coffee and other activities. She has also enjoyed getting the new house put together and enjoying time with the family.
We hope you are all doing well and enjoying the holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy 2008!
With Love,
David, Kristi, Benjamin & Jonathan
First of all, thank you for taking the time to visit our blog. This is our very own online "digital scrapbook" of memories that we love to share with you. Please check back often; we try to update several times a week. Feel free to leave comments as well-- we love hearing from you.
2007 has been a wild twelve months for the Dominguez family, with several life changing events happening to our little foursome.
We ended 2006 with heavy hearts of an impending surgery for Kristi's dad, Al. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer and surgery quickly followed in February. The surgery was a bit more than we all bargained for. Al's hospital stay was much lengthier than originally planned and surgery was also a little more complicated. We were sad that we were unable to join the family in Austin for this. Kristi was very pregnant and unable to travel at the time. Al is now cancer free and about to celebrate his 72nd birthday on the 29th. This indeed is a blessing to us all.
On February 21st we were so excited to welcome the newest member of our family, Jonathan Miles Dominguez. He weighed in at nine pounds, three ounces and was 22 3/4 inches long. He has brought so much joy to us. It has been so much fun to watch him grow and gain such a charming little personality. Benjamin is very much enjoying being a big brother, too!
Shortly after Jonathan was born, we made a big decision to leave our sweet little town of Muleshoe and relocate down to central Texas. David was offered a wonderful principalship at Rancier Middle School in Killeen. We bought a house on the edge of Killeen and are still getting settled into our "new life." The actual process of moving became a little rough when David had to have emergency gall bladder surgery in June. We ended up having lots of friends and family on both ends of the move to help us out! A big thank you again to all of you.
We do miss Muleshoe and all of the wonderful friendships we made there. Our Muleshoe church was so good to us and helped us pack up and gave us such a wonderful going away party. We have been blessed to already have several friends from "the greater Muleplex" come and visit us at our new home. We have already made one visit back and plan to visit again in the new year.
We have already settled into and feel very blessed by our new church home at the church of Christ in Belton, a short drive down the road from us. We have made some wonderful new friends there and even reconnected with a lot of ACU buddies as well. We are getting very involved in our "young marrieds" class and the boys both enjoy their classes and new friends as well.
Benjamin turned the big three in September and is well on his way to four! He really keeps us on our toes and is quite the talker. He is very fun to have a conversation with and knows some pretty big words for a little guy. He is very contemplative and sometimes a little shy in new situations. His major interests include helping mommy cook, playing with his Cars (the little characters from the Disney movie), playing in his sandbox and listening to his favorite songs. He loves singing at church and is starting to participate in the worship service as well.
In November, we traveled to Pecos to see David's family for Thanksgiving. It was nice that the whole family was able to be together. We really enjoyed catching up with everyone.
The day after Thanksgiving we celebrated our fifth anniversary! We were able to spend most of the day back in Buffalo Gap, where we were married. This has been an absolutely wonderful five years.
Living down in central Texas has also given us the opportunity to reconnect with Kristi's family on a regular basis. We plan to host all of the Pawliks to our home in a couple of weeks for Al's birthday.
David is settling into his new job very well. He loves Rancier, but still holds a fondness for WJHS in his heart. He has already started his involvement at church by teaching our class in the rotation and giving a talk at our class retreat in October. He has even led singing a couple of Sunday nights.
Kristi still enjoys being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM). She enjoys meeting up with other SAHMs from the church during the week for playgroups, coffee and other activities. She has also enjoyed getting the new house put together and enjoying time with the family.
We hope you are all doing well and enjoying the holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy 2008!
With Love,
David, Kristi, Benjamin & Jonathan
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree with Rancier
Saturday night was the Rancier Middle School Christmas party over in Salado. It was great to get to meet everyone from school. We really enjoyed Salado-- what a super cute little town. The Stagecoach also seemed like quite the hot spot.
The RMS faculty and staff has been so welcoming to our family. I've attached a few photos from our night out.
The RMS faculty and staff has been so welcoming to our family. I've attached a few photos from our night out.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Girls' Nite Out--So Fun!
Well, as promised, I wanted to share all of the ornaments I received at Jennifer's Ornament Swap Party. This was a blast. The girl can cook. We enjoyed Brie Kisses, Spanikopita, crab bites with creamy dill sauce (that I mentioned before here), a chocolate fountain with all sorts of goodies to coat in its streams and many other fun things!
We each handed out our ornaments and it was so neat to have fifteen new beautiful things to add to our tree. Several of us made our ornaments. I think I will hit the after Christmas sales this year to get mine for next year! Although making them was fun, too, I just didn't get the head start I should have. (Hello, procrastination!) More than anything, I enjoyed the fellowship with my new friends.
Hope you enjoy the pics! Try and guess which one was mine!
We each handed out our ornaments and it was so neat to have fifteen new beautiful things to add to our tree. Several of us made our ornaments. I think I will hit the after Christmas sales this year to get mine for next year! Although making them was fun, too, I just didn't get the head start I should have. (Hello, procrastination!) More than anything, I enjoyed the fellowship with my new friends.
Hope you enjoy the pics! Try and guess which one was mine!
Friday, December 14, 2007
I am so excited about this weekend! It is going to be a holiday party-palooza for David & I!
I am really thrilled about tonight! I am going to my friend Jennifer's for an awesome girls' night out ornament swap! There are fifteen of us going and we each bring fifteen ornaments, one for each party-goer. And, yes...I got mine finished! Jennifer is known for being a great chef and party-thrower so I know tonight will be a blast! I'll have to post pics of all of my new ornaments tomorrow.
Tomorrow night is David's work party at the Stagecoach in Salado. People keep telling me it is a pretty neat place, so it should be fun. This will be the first time I meet any of the teachers. I know his administration team and love them all to pieces, I just have not gotten up there to meet the teachers, yet. The boys are sleeping over at Grandma and Grandpa's so I have no doubt they will have their own "party" over there. If time permits, we may try to drop in at our church class party after leaving Salado.
Consider us party people.
One other reason to celebrate? This is our 100th post! Woohoo.
I am really thrilled about tonight! I am going to my friend Jennifer's for an awesome girls' night out ornament swap! There are fifteen of us going and we each bring fifteen ornaments, one for each party-goer. And, yes...I got mine finished! Jennifer is known for being a great chef and party-thrower so I know tonight will be a blast! I'll have to post pics of all of my new ornaments tomorrow.
Tomorrow night is David's work party at the Stagecoach in Salado. People keep telling me it is a pretty neat place, so it should be fun. This will be the first time I meet any of the teachers. I know his administration team and love them all to pieces, I just have not gotten up there to meet the teachers, yet. The boys are sleeping over at Grandma and Grandpa's so I have no doubt they will have their own "party" over there. If time permits, we may try to drop in at our church class party after leaving Salado.
Consider us party people.
One other reason to celebrate? This is our 100th post! Woohoo.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Happy Birthday to our Fish
Well, it is coming upon one year since Benjamin received one of his most favorite gifts ever-- his two goldfish from Hollye & Gary Hooten last year at Christmas. Benjamin's obsession had always been to go to the junior high in Muleshoe, not to see his Daddy, but rather to go see the big fish tank in Hollye's room! He just loves that he has his own two fish now and even helps care for them by feeding them their (handfuls of) fish food.
I am sort of making a big deal about this because these two little fish have really gone against their odds and survived when the rest of us thought they would not make it this far! Shortly after we brought our fish home, we left on Christmas break for well over a week. We had orignally thought about placing them in Hollye's classroom so she could feed them when she fed her own fish, but they waxed the floors at school and we couldn't get in! Imagine our amazement when we got home and our little friends were still thriving! David even went in ahead of us to make sure no one was floating! Hollye was even contemplating getting "back up fish" on their way home from their Christmas in Snyder!
These two fish (which we actually named Hollye & Gary after their givers, but somehow they always get lumped together as "the fish") have been through a lot, including a very sloshy move from Muleshoe to Marble Falls (where they lived with my parents for a month) and then to their new home in Killeen on Benjamin's dresser where they currently reside.
I just wanted to be the first to wish them a very happy first birthday. I also want to promise them a little more first rate care this year with no week long vacations and sloshy moves! We love you, "fish".
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
WooHoo, a Christmas Tag!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I think wrapping paper is more fun for kids to open so I try to use it more. But if a gift is a funky size, gift bag all the way!
2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial. And pre-lit is a must these days.
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the day after Thanksgiving unless we are out of town, in which case it usually goes up before the end of Thanksgiving weekend.
4. When do you take the tree down? After Jan. 6th
5. Do you like eggnog? No. David does. He would take a bath in the stuff if he could.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? The Barbie Dream House. So fun.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Not currently, but I love that Willow Tree set.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My dad. The man has everything and if he doesn't already have it, he's probably going to buy it himself.
9. Easiest person to buy for? David. He has a lot of "interests" that lead to good gift ideas.
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A day planner I recieved in fifth grade from my secret Santa...what is a ten year old going to do with a day planner? It was sort of funny, though.
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail, but I am contemplating doing our annual Christmas letter on the blog and just mailing the actual card.
12. Favorite Christmas Movies: Family Man (hands down-- awesome movie), White Christmas and of course, It's a Wonderful Life
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? One year I shopped all year and was done before November and realized it wasn't any fun come Christmastime. So, now I try to start in late October.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My family's Christmas Eve "spread" which is always Mexican food and my mom's "Sand Tarts" which are a huge tradition. It's not Christmas until I pop the top off of the red and white striped tin of those cookies at my parents'.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear
17. Five Favorite Christmas songs? In order of my favorite....1)The Christmas Waltz (Frank Sinatra version, please), 2)A Marshmallow World (I am not kidding, I love this song, especially the live version with Dean & Frank-- what a treat!), 3)This Christmas (Harry Connick, Jr.), 4)Santa Claus is Back in Town (Elvis Presley), 5)(There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays (Perry Como), and okay I'll have to add a sixth because I am a Christmas music nut...6)Step into Christmas (Elton John)
18. Most Annoying Christmas song? Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. I am not into comical songs, anytime of the year for that matter.
19. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Since getting married, we always travel to family for the holidays. However, this year we will actually spend Christmas Eve at our own home and wake up here to Santa's goodies for us! We plan to drive to Abilene on Christmas Day to see David's family and we'll have Christmas at my parents' on the 23rd.
20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph
21. Angel on the tree top or a star? Neither, I am a bow kind of gal.
22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Growing up we ALWAYS did this on Christmas Eve, and Santa came with "the good stuff" on Christmas morning. We are planning on opening most stuff Christmas morning this year.
23. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Germs, yuck. Everyone is also sick this time of year.
24. Favorite Christmas Apparel? Anything red! I am excited about my outfit for David's school Christmas party this weekend, I found a great red blouse to go with my black gauchos! Can't wait.
25. What I love most about Christmas? Everything. I can not get enough of this time of the year. November first through January 6th is the best time of the year.
I tag EVERYONE on my blog roll. Ha! Oh come on, this is a fun one.
2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial. And pre-lit is a must these days.
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the day after Thanksgiving unless we are out of town, in which case it usually goes up before the end of Thanksgiving weekend.
4. When do you take the tree down? After Jan. 6th
5. Do you like eggnog? No. David does. He would take a bath in the stuff if he could.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? The Barbie Dream House. So fun.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Not currently, but I love that Willow Tree set.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My dad. The man has everything and if he doesn't already have it, he's probably going to buy it himself.
9. Easiest person to buy for? David. He has a lot of "interests" that lead to good gift ideas.
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A day planner I recieved in fifth grade from my secret Santa...what is a ten year old going to do with a day planner? It was sort of funny, though.
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail, but I am contemplating doing our annual Christmas letter on the blog and just mailing the actual card.
12. Favorite Christmas Movies: Family Man (hands down-- awesome movie), White Christmas and of course, It's a Wonderful Life
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? One year I shopped all year and was done before November and realized it wasn't any fun come Christmastime. So, now I try to start in late October.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My family's Christmas Eve "spread" which is always Mexican food and my mom's "Sand Tarts" which are a huge tradition. It's not Christmas until I pop the top off of the red and white striped tin of those cookies at my parents'.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear
17. Five Favorite Christmas songs? In order of my favorite....1)The Christmas Waltz (Frank Sinatra version, please), 2)A Marshmallow World (I am not kidding, I love this song, especially the live version with Dean & Frank-- what a treat!), 3)This Christmas (Harry Connick, Jr.), 4)Santa Claus is Back in Town (Elvis Presley), 5)(There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays (Perry Como), and okay I'll have to add a sixth because I am a Christmas music nut...6)Step into Christmas (Elton John)
18. Most Annoying Christmas song? Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. I am not into comical songs, anytime of the year for that matter.
19. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Since getting married, we always travel to family for the holidays. However, this year we will actually spend Christmas Eve at our own home and wake up here to Santa's goodies for us! We plan to drive to Abilene on Christmas Day to see David's family and we'll have Christmas at my parents' on the 23rd.
20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph
21. Angel on the tree top or a star? Neither, I am a bow kind of gal.
22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Growing up we ALWAYS did this on Christmas Eve, and Santa came with "the good stuff" on Christmas morning. We are planning on opening most stuff Christmas morning this year.
23. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Germs, yuck. Everyone is also sick this time of year.
24. Favorite Christmas Apparel? Anything red! I am excited about my outfit for David's school Christmas party this weekend, I found a great red blouse to go with my black gauchos! Can't wait.
25. What I love most about Christmas? Everything. I can not get enough of this time of the year. November first through January 6th is the best time of the year.
I tag EVERYONE on my blog roll. Ha! Oh come on, this is a fun one.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Our Very Own Rudolph
Well, the good news is we have Christmas cards. The bad news is poor Jonathan now has a very red nose. I knew going in that these cards would be the end of me. I just couldn't leave well enough alone.
We staged a photo on our porch and got one pretty good shot. Then, Jonathan decided to do a flying leap onto the concrete. We felt just awful about the entire ordeal. It was one of those "hold the baby until we snap the pic and let go for just a second"... for fear of...the inevitable. He was not injured, just a little "road rash" on his sweet little nose. It looks awful in the pic, it tamed down after his bath. But, I thought I would share the aftermath.
And, of course, Benjamin was very concerned...
Me and Caillou's Mom Need to get it Together
All of a sudden I have realized that Christmas Eve is two weeks from today. Yikes. I feel like time has just escaped me and all that I need to get done! If you have not received a Christmas card, it is because I have not mailed them. Or even ordered them. I have never been this behind. I know Shutterfly is quick, but they better be waving some magic wands when they get our order.
I have yet to bake a single cookie.
I have yet to wrap a single present.
I have yet to make my ornaments for my exchange on Friday.
I have yet to simmer my "The Smell of Christmas" that truly marks the beginning of the season for me.
I have yet to apparently get a clue that Christmas will indeed come, whether or not I am ready.
Benjamin's favorite thing to watch is a little cartoon on PBS called Caillou. We try to limit his television intake, but I sort of like Caillou also, and it seems pretty wholesome all around with a lot of good lessons. We recently purchased "Caillou's Holiday Movie" (which I highly recommend if you have a three-year old). Anywho, in the movie, Caillou's mom points out that there are only twelve days until Christmas day and they still have to decorate, send out cards, bake and see the Santa parade.
Funny, the first thing I thought of was, man this mom does not have it together. They haven't done anything and it's only twelve days out for them. (Yes, I am well aware that I was indeed judging a cartoon family, which is more and more odd now that I am actually typing it out for all the world, a.k.a, all three of my blog readers, to see).
I have now realized, I am that mom. To my credit, we are fully decorated. Actually, that may be more to my parents' credit for lending some babysitting and Christmas light expertise to my sad little situation. But, fourteen days out is looking pretty good at this point.
If you end up with a Happy New Years card, please know it was with the best of intentions and a mom that just couldn't get it together!
I have yet to bake a single cookie.
I have yet to wrap a single present.
I have yet to make my ornaments for my exchange on Friday.
I have yet to simmer my "The Smell of Christmas" that truly marks the beginning of the season for me.
I have yet to apparently get a clue that Christmas will indeed come, whether or not I am ready.
Benjamin's favorite thing to watch is a little cartoon on PBS called Caillou. We try to limit his television intake, but I sort of like Caillou also, and it seems pretty wholesome all around with a lot of good lessons. We recently purchased "Caillou's Holiday Movie" (which I highly recommend if you have a three-year old). Anywho, in the movie, Caillou's mom points out that there are only twelve days until Christmas day and they still have to decorate, send out cards, bake and see the Santa parade.
Funny, the first thing I thought of was, man this mom does not have it together. They haven't done anything and it's only twelve days out for them. (Yes, I am well aware that I was indeed judging a cartoon family, which is more and more odd now that I am actually typing it out for all the world, a.k.a, all three of my blog readers, to see).
I have now realized, I am that mom. To my credit, we are fully decorated. Actually, that may be more to my parents' credit for lending some babysitting and Christmas light expertise to my sad little situation. But, fourteen days out is looking pretty good at this point.
If you end up with a Happy New Years card, please know it was with the best of intentions and a mom that just couldn't get it together!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Laundry and Lysol
Ugh, sigh. Benjamin, indeed, has the stomach bug. We were greeted by that wonderful aroma this morning. It's going to be a laundry and Lysol kind of day.
The Christmas Card Photo, Pt. 1
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
This is How We Roll
Poor Jonathan. Crawling seems like it may never happen! Just like his
brother, when you are a big boy, getting up and crawling for the first
time seems to take awhile.
But, there are other modes of getting yourself around.
And, no, he never did make it to that phone. Boohoo.
brother, when you are a big boy, getting up and crawling for the first
time seems to take awhile.
But, there are other modes of getting yourself around.
And, no, he never did make it to that phone. Boohoo.
Monday, December 03, 2007
A sampling of sickness
We had a sort of weird weekend. We were supposed to go to McKinney on Saturday to have the First Annual Callaway-Dominguez Christmas with my good friend Lori and her family. However, it has now turned into the First Annual Callaway-Dominguez New Year's Eve.
Jonathan was a little yucky on Friday, I won't go into details. I will however let you know that now would be a good time for all of you to buy stock in Desitin. So, we decided it would be better to stay home and let it pass and not pass anything onto Jackson Callaway. By Saturday night he was fine but now Benjamin was running a fever. Hmph.
He ran a low grade fever on and off until yesterday afternoon. Nothing else.
I guess I should be super thankful that we haven't gotten the knock you off your feet illnesses that seem to be going around. I think over the past few weeks we have all had a little sampling of different sorts of crud. I am just ready to be normal! (whatever that is?)
Jonathan was a little yucky on Friday, I won't go into details. I will however let you know that now would be a good time for all of you to buy stock in Desitin. So, we decided it would be better to stay home and let it pass and not pass anything onto Jackson Callaway. By Saturday night he was fine but now Benjamin was running a fever. Hmph.
He ran a low grade fever on and off until yesterday afternoon. Nothing else.
I guess I should be super thankful that we haven't gotten the knock you off your feet illnesses that seem to be going around. I think over the past few weeks we have all had a little sampling of different sorts of crud. I am just ready to be normal! (whatever that is?)
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Benjamin Takes the Old Spice Challenge

Funny Story:
Yesterday, on a relaxing Saturday morning, Kristi and I realized we hadn't heard from Benjamin in awhile. So, I went around looking for him. I found him in the master bathroom. It was quite a sight. He had my drawer open, with my stick of Old Spice High Endurance in his hand. He was holding his shirt up, and rubbing the deodorant back and forth across his stomach! We had a good laugh about that. The guy in the picture (from the Old Spice commercial) was the first thing that came to my mind.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Oh, Baby...Baby!
Two of our friends both had their babies yesterday! CONGRATS to the Kettner and Alaniz families! WooHoo!
My good friend Deborah (who I have mentioned on here a bunch), had a baby BOY (hello, do we remember the prediction?). His name is Kyle David and he weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces. My mom wanted me to tell Deborah (who I am so sure is reading my blog from her hospital bed, ha!) that now that she has three boys, all she has to do is wait sixteen years and she's sure to have a girl. Like that could ever happen to anyone, right?
The first couple we met at church in Belton are Becky & Steve Alaniz. Becky had a little girl yesterday, Gracyn (what a pretty name), who weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. After Becky's fun shower in October, Gracyn will be the best dressed girl yet! She had so many pretty little frilly pink things!
I can't wait to meet both of these little bundles! We are so excited for you all: Deborah, Kelly, Jacob & Riley and Becky, Steve & Cade!
Now I better run. My mom and dad have the boys so I can finish getting all the Christmas decor out! I am on a mission.
My good friend Deborah (who I have mentioned on here a bunch), had a baby BOY (hello, do we remember the prediction?). His name is Kyle David and he weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces. My mom wanted me to tell Deborah (who I am so sure is reading my blog from her hospital bed, ha!) that now that she has three boys, all she has to do is wait sixteen years and she's sure to have a girl. Like that could ever happen to anyone, right?
The first couple we met at church in Belton are Becky & Steve Alaniz. Becky had a little girl yesterday, Gracyn (what a pretty name), who weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. After Becky's fun shower in October, Gracyn will be the best dressed girl yet! She had so many pretty little frilly pink things!
I can't wait to meet both of these little bundles! We are so excited for you all: Deborah, Kelly, Jacob & Riley and Becky, Steve & Cade!
Now I better run. My mom and dad have the boys so I can finish getting all the Christmas decor out! I am on a mission.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The tooth arrived!
Please Help!
Well, that was an awfully dramatic title, but now that I have your attention... I am needing to update my Christmas card list for once and for all (that means nobody can ever move again--ever!). Some of this is due to the fact that we had a MAJOR computer crash at the beginning of the year. If you know or are one of the people on the following list, I am needing some updated contact information:
- Daniel and Heather Boyd (address) (got it!)
- Larry and Carmen Forrister (address)
- Stephanie Harper (address and email)
- Cade Hooten (address) (got it!)
- Amanda Pawlik (needing her new address)
- Amber Pawlik (address and email)
- Amber & Frank Peck (Have they moved yet? If so, I need their new address.)
- Koti Templeton (Faith-- I will forward this onto you!) (got it!)
- Eric & Kaye Vaughan (address)
- Jami West (email only)
- Charlotte & Larry Wittis (spelling? address)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Five Big Ones!
We also celebrated our five year anniversary over the holiday break! David was the mastermind behind all of the planning this year and wouldn't let me know what all we were doing until we left Killeen.
He planned such a fun time for us. For those of you who do not know our story-- we had what we refer to as a "semi-elopement." We told most of our friends that we were planning a March wedding, but decided that a) we didn't really want a big wedding and b) we didn't really want to wait until March. So, we gathered our immediate family and got married at the sweet little chapel out in Buffalo Gap, Texas. We had a fabulous time. By the time were on our way to our honeymoon, all of our friends were receiving cards in the mail letting them know what we had done. For details, they joined us in January at a reception in Abilene. It was the perfect wedding for us.
Well, we made our first trip back to the sweet little chapel on Friday. It was super fun. We had a great time just remembering our fun day together. We also went to Perini Ranch and had a lot of fun-- the boys especially loved Perini's. David also stopped along the way and picked up some beautiful roses (which he had already ordered ahead of time-- way to go, David!). It was an absolutely perfect way to spend our anniversary.
We even decided it would be fun to go on a date that night, just the two of us. So, instead of heading home, we went over to my parents' where we tucked the boys in and headed out on a big lavish date to....Starbucks!! We were so exhausted that was all we had the energy for. We'll have to save the big date for another time!
A West Texas Thanksgiving
We spent our Thanksgiving Holiday in Pecos with David's family. We had a great time catching up with everyone, eating (a lot!) and mainly watching the kids all play. Benjamin noted that he really "liked the cousins a bunch." We realized we hadn't taken a family photo with everyone since 2004. So, here is the latest...

Overall, we had a super time and are looking forward to seeing everyone again around the Christmas holidays!
Overall, we had a super time and are looking forward to seeing everyone again around the Christmas holidays!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Trial Run
Benjamin is currently doing a trial run with his new sleeping bag thing for his nap right now. It is making me laugh because he has figured out how to zip himself in it entirely and looks like a mummy.
It has an airmattress-type thing and its own pump which he pumped up a lot of by himself. A moment ago he opened his door and asked if I would bring him a cup of milk and the pump, he "had some work to do on [his] travel bed." Yeah right, dude. Go to sleep.
We are off to Pecos tomorrow for the holiday (hence the new sleeping bag, we outgrew our pack & play). Hopefully we will all stay well (pray for good health, we always seem to catch something before we travel...I had a mild-ish stomach bug thingy Sunday, I am praying so hard no one else gets it).
We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
It has an airmattress-type thing and its own pump which he pumped up a lot of by himself. A moment ago he opened his door and asked if I would bring him a cup of milk and the pump, he "had some work to do on [his] travel bed." Yeah right, dude. Go to sleep.
We are off to Pecos tomorrow for the holiday (hence the new sleeping bag, we outgrew our pack & play). Hopefully we will all stay well (pray for good health, we always seem to catch something before we travel...I had a mild-ish stomach bug thingy Sunday, I am praying so hard no one else gets it).
We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Down the Muleshoe Memory Lane
We were so blessed to get together with some really good friends at the end of last week. Gary and Hollye Hooten became instant friends (actually family) to us while we lived in Muleshoe. We were so far from either of our families, it was so nice to have them. They were also like grandparents to our boys. We saw them at the end of the summer which I posted about here.
They were in Austin for a conference, along with a few other good friends from MISD, and we really enjoyed catching up (and celebrating Hollye's birthday!). Thursday night, Gary and Hollye drove out to Killeen and we had supper here at the house. There are still nose prints on my storm door from Benjamin standing there with much anticipation waiting for them to pull in the driveway!
Friday we headed to Austin to meet up with them again, along with our other MISD comrads. We just had a great time catching up.
On a side note, Gary and Hollye are expecting TWO grandbabies in April! Both of their daughters, Heather and Amy, are due within twenty-something days of each other! How exciting!
We are hoping to make it to Muleshoe sometime after the holidays to see them again and meet the new Kettner kiddo!! We still are in the dark as to whether they are having a boy or a girl. That Deborah can really keep a secret!
Anyway. It was just so good to see some truly wonderful friends that are so dear to us.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Dad & Benjamin



Hi Guys!
Benjamin and I had a fun time this afternoon. We went out together to see "Bee Movie". If you haven't seen any trailers for it, check it out by googling "Bee Movie". (Duh.)
I was so proud of Benjamin today. This was his first time to sit through a movie in a theater, aside from the time Kristi and I took him to see "Cars". (But, he was really too little that time to know what was going on.) This was the first time he was aware enough to really build up anticipation and be excited about the movie. He had talked about seeing it for about a week. Aside from a few minutes when he became distracted by the projector window behind us, he paid attention through the whole movie. I think he felt like a big kid!
Have a great weekend, and a Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Yikes! Stripes!
I have had a few emails to see our new stripes in the playroom so I thought I would post a couple of pics. I still have some touching up to do, the walls here are so textured that even with our sealing technique, we had some bleeding with thte tape. It was minimal, I am just a bit of a perfectionist about paint.
We have now put shelving and our sofa sleeper in the room so it is working out well. I still need to do a few things: art on the wall, maybe window treatments, etc. I'll try to post a complete photo when we're really done!
The reason for the pattern is that we are going with a sports theme. I am usually not a themey sort of person when it comes to decorating, but I am trying to do this in a subtle way.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Funny Little Story
Yesterday at church Benjamin was getting his money ready to put into the collection plate. We tell him that "this is your money you give to Jesus." We do this every week without much incident. Until yesterday. I leaned over and asked him if his money for Jesus was still in his pocket. I told him to get it ready for the collection. When the man for our side of the aisle approached with the collection plate, he whispers, "There he is," (pointing to the man), "It's Jesus."
He thought the older gentleman with the collection plate was indeed Jesus, ready to claim his money! He must have just realized that we all have Jesus in us!
He thought the older gentleman with the collection plate was indeed Jesus, ready to claim his money! He must have just realized that we all have Jesus in us!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
We're still here!
We're still around in the blog realm, just been a little busy lately in the real world.
David has been battling kidney stones and we are hoping they are finally gone. He was in the ER and everything, but we are doing better now-- I hope!
As of this morning, David, Jonathan and I all have small colds. I have almost lost my voice completely. I thought it was nothing, but it turned out to be more annoying than anything else. Jonathan had part two of his flu shot and it has made him a little more cranky, but not as bad as the first time. He is saying "mama" now! And clapping, too.
Benjamin is starting to realize what holidays are. He is looking forward to Thanksgiving, which he goes around saying, "is a very special day." Very true! He is also looking forward to the arrival of Santa Claus, which he also talks about everyday.
David is headed down to Houston for a conference tomorrow and will be back on Saturday. While he is gone, the boys and I are going to Marble Falls for a couple of days to help my parents paint their kitchen.
We have started on the playroom. We painted the entire base coat, which is a light coffee color. (It looks like my kind of coffee, lots of creamer!) I say, with reluctance, that the diamonds are not going to happen. Mathematically, I have tried to plot this room out on paper for hours and it doesn't work. When I did this before, I just did one wall in the room. And, in Muleshoe, our rooms were actually square, with even measurements. The room we are painting is very odd shaped, for one thing, it has five walls! The fifth wall is only three feet long, but it is what is throwing this whole thing off. So, with a heavy heart and a few sobs, I have decided to do horizontal stripes. They will be a lighter khaki and a red. I am actually pretty happy about it now. I will save the diamonds for something else-- one day!
We also had supper last week with two couples from church that fixed us the best meal ever! I am still dreaming of crabcakes with creamy dill sauce. And David has mentioned the stuffed shrimp about half a dozen times since we left their house. Such amazingly sweet people at our church. We just can't get enough of them!
Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry for the wordy blog, just wanted to update everything.
David has been battling kidney stones and we are hoping they are finally gone. He was in the ER and everything, but we are doing better now-- I hope!
As of this morning, David, Jonathan and I all have small colds. I have almost lost my voice completely. I thought it was nothing, but it turned out to be more annoying than anything else. Jonathan had part two of his flu shot and it has made him a little more cranky, but not as bad as the first time. He is saying "mama" now! And clapping, too.
Benjamin is starting to realize what holidays are. He is looking forward to Thanksgiving, which he goes around saying, "is a very special day." Very true! He is also looking forward to the arrival of Santa Claus, which he also talks about everyday.
David is headed down to Houston for a conference tomorrow and will be back on Saturday. While he is gone, the boys and I are going to Marble Falls for a couple of days to help my parents paint their kitchen.
We have started on the playroom. We painted the entire base coat, which is a light coffee color. (It looks like my kind of coffee, lots of creamer!) I say, with reluctance, that the diamonds are not going to happen. Mathematically, I have tried to plot this room out on paper for hours and it doesn't work. When I did this before, I just did one wall in the room. And, in Muleshoe, our rooms were actually square, with even measurements. The room we are painting is very odd shaped, for one thing, it has five walls! The fifth wall is only three feet long, but it is what is throwing this whole thing off. So, with a heavy heart and a few sobs, I have decided to do horizontal stripes. They will be a lighter khaki and a red. I am actually pretty happy about it now. I will save the diamonds for something else-- one day!
We also had supper last week with two couples from church that fixed us the best meal ever! I am still dreaming of crabcakes with creamy dill sauce. And David has mentioned the stuffed shrimp about half a dozen times since we left their house. Such amazingly sweet people at our church. We just can't get enough of them!
Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry for the wordy blog, just wanted to update everything.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Pumpkin Patch Part II
Well, if you remember well, our first pumpkin patch trip was slightly off. However, this really cute smaller patch popped up on a lawn in Harker Heights, just around the block from us. I drove by it almost everyday thinking how cute it was. I finally stopped with the boys yesterday. They were great! What a much better experience this was all around! And the weather was great, too! Ahhh, Fall!
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