Friday, June 12, 2009

We had a great week of firsts...first gymnastics lesson, first summer preschool (and first preschool day off for mom who got soooo much done), first time back at play group in months, and first Family Fun Friday of 2009!
We LOVE the Andy Wells Hike & Bike Trail and adjacent play area here in Killeen. It is a really nice park located right alongside Nolan Creek. It's a hidden gem and very well maintained. The boys and I have walked and played there before, but this time we brought Daddy, a picnic and Benjamin's bike. It turned into a great time!

The start of the trail...under the W.S. Young Bridge. 
You can look up under the bridge and see dozens of bird nests.

This is the view we had of Benjamin most of the trail-- he left us in the dust!

Stopping for a quick picture next to some small falls of the creek.

And of course, time for play.

Tonight we headed over to the Killeen Community Center's outdoor amphitheater for a "Movies in Your Park" night where they showed Kung Fu Panda, one of Benjamin's favorites. We had never been to one of these, but plan to go as often as we can. So fun! The amphitheater is on a huge area of grassy stairs. We just brought snacks since it didn't start until 8 p.m., but next time we plan to bring a big supper picnic, like most of the families tonight did. The boys thought it was too cool watching a movie outside. 

Ready for the flick.

I just thought the cool inflatable movie screen was pretty nifty, so I took a picture of it. 

Love, love, lovin' Family Fun Fridays...volume II! David is off most Fridays again for the summer....yeehaw! We hope to make it a summer of great Fridays and wonderful times together.

1 comment:

David Dominguez said...

It was a great day! I am liking these Fridays off!