Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Home!

This is the first Christmas we have ever spent Christmas Eve and morning at our own home. We really did enjoy this.
Christmas Eve we cooked a brisket and just enjoyed the day! We opened gifts that night (yes, I know, we do it that way!). After the boys had sugar plums dancing in their heads, David & I started in on a few hours of "some assembly required" while watching It's a Wonderful Life.
The next morning, Benjamin was more enamored with the fact that "Santa ate my cookies" and the reindeer ate the apple than he was with the train table St. Nick left behind.
We had a great morning together and then headed to Abilene to mmet up with David's family.


Arly said...

I hope that fork was tasty. Yum Yum, Stainless Steel.

Rebecca said...

We got to spend Christmas morning by ourselves at home too. I thought it would feel a little lonely, but we really enjoyed it. The family came up later so that took away any loneliness that we might have felt. I'm glad that you had a good holiday.